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Snake-Eater Career Maker Spell

If your career is stalled and you want to impress not only your supervisor but also your peers, the Snake-Eater in you will pounce on any opportunity to get you ahead of the pack and keep you there.

Is this you?
  • You are bright and you want to make a lot of money.
  • You feel you can excel once you are in a position with potential.
  • Once you are motivated, nothing can stop you.
  • So you must be in a job that's challenging; otherwise you are bored.
If you are the type of person who gets down on yourself for not being aggressive enough and not standing up for your rights, you need this Snake-Eater spell.

Take this quick test
  • Do you want to be in control of your destiny?
  • Are you tired of taking orders and would rather give them?
  • Do you crave the respect and admiration of your peers?
  • Are you tired of making money for other people and feel it's time to utilize your talents to pad your own bank account?
If you answered yes to these four questions, the Snake-Eater Career Maker Spell is definitely for you.
Snake-Eater Career Maker Spell

Snake-Eater Career Maker Spell

Item #: SE10
Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 

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