During a thunderstorm, as well as a turbulent period in our lives, everything is seemingly at its darkest... and hope and optimism are bleak.
But once in a while, when the clouds break and the sun shines, a rainbow suddenly appears on the horizon. When this does occur, it is a sign that hope is indeed possible... and better times are ahead.
Love, Hope & Good Fortune
Since ancient times, it is believed that the appearance of a rainbow, particularly after a dark time in someone’s life, is said to be a sign of love, hope and good fortune.
And that it’s time for the rainbow to lead you to the path of a brighter future.
In Celtic-Irish mythology, Leprechauns were said to hide their gold at the end of a rainbow for safe keeping.
And numerous studies have indeed indicated that in the days and weeks after observing a rainbow, a surprisingly high percentage of people have experienced positive developments in their lives.
Rainbow Spell of Love, Hope & Good Fortune
So if your life is in a turbulent state, whether from a rocky love affair or a financial crisis or a seemingly unsolvable problem, the Rainbow Spell of Love, Hope & Good Fortune can be cast in your behalf.
This potent spell is designed to dissipate the dark clouds in your life freeing you to fulfill your true destiny.