More Spells by Andreika

It has been my pleasure to have cast spells exclusively for the California Astrology Association for the past twenty-eight years.
Recently, many of my clients, some of whom are scattered throughout the world, have informed me that times have never been more difficult. With this in mind and because of your numerous requests that I expand my selection of spells, I believe you will be happy with what you are about to see.

I look forward to hearing from those of you whom I consider to be in my "coven," as well as from you newcomers who are coming to me for the first time.
Please note that you will have an opportunity to make your request during checkout. After we receive your order, we will send you an e-mail with the date the spell will be cast, and any other instructions if necessary.
This spell of spells elevates you to the alpha position. You could become Numero Uno, the person in charge, the one others look up to!
If you are determined to have the power and authority to call your shots, this Herculean spell is what you need.
No longer will you have to take orders and follow the lame direction of others. The Lord & Master spell is designed to positively affect your career, your relationships and especially your love life.
Weary of wasting money on weight-loss programs that are ineffective? Andreika believes it's all in the mind. This spell instills in you the willpower to eat "reasonably."
Andreika will call upon your inner spirits of strength and resolve to rise to the surface and make it easy for you to resist indulging. It could be only a matter of time before you look in the mirror and see the person you want to be.
Here is one of Andreika's most comprehensive spells. Its broad strokes could affect any aspect of your life: from your relationship issues of romance and love, to your bank account, or perhaps to an unexpected problem with no apparent solution in sight.
So, if you have eyes on a new love, or seek the return of long lost soul… Make a Wish. If your career is languishing and your efforts need to be recognized… Make a Wish. Or perhaps an intimate relationship needs tweaking, or a good friend is ignoring you, or maybe a neighbor is creating havoc… Make a Wish.
If something is causing you stress and worry and is about to overwhelm you, simply tell Andreika your most important wish, and leave the rest to her.
This remarkable spell highlights your very appealing characteristics, bringing them to the surface so the "right" people will see your true beauty. Once this spell is cast, you will instantly feel more confident and be "happy in your skin."
Your new attractiveness and appeal will radiate out in all directions, making each day better than the previous one. (Wait 'til your friends and loved ones see the new you!)
Are you involved with someone who is afraid to commit? Or perhaps there is a financial or business deal pending that seems to be going nowhere. This spell is designed to bring closure - quickly and in your favor.
If you're fed up with the hassle and are tired of the never-ending negotiations, it's time to take matters into your own hands. You need Andreika on your side to Seal the Deal.
If you strongly feel a particular relationship is destined to fail and are certain the two people involved truly don't belong together, Andreika can exert her powers to speed up the matter.
But be careful, this is a powerful spell! Think it over very carefully before bringing Andreika into the picture.
Is your career floundering? Perhaps someone in the workplace is standing between you and success, blocking your advancement. Or maybe your supervisor simply doesn't realize your potential.
This spectacular spell helps you to not only advance in your career, but to do it effortlessly and quickly.
Be prepared to take a gigantic step upward with more money, more independence and more control of your destiny. This spell is designed to help you leap over the barricades that have unfairly been blocking you.
Are you worried that something bad is about to happen to you?
Is there a person out there who is up to no good and could possibly cause you harm?
Would you like someone with powerful psychic gifts to cast a protection spell in your behalf?
If you have cause for alarm that your future is uncertain, Andreika's Umbrella of Protection spell could be exactly what you've been seeking.