Most people who possess the Halberd remark about the strange sensations they felt the first time they picked it up.This unique and wondrous amulet has puzzled metaphysicians for years because of the positive effects it has upon those who possess it. Most often used to reunite estranged lovers, or to cure an aching heart, this remarkable piece is a rare find and you will find it offered nowhere else.

If you are currently in a troubled relationship and you want to capture the heart of the one you love, take possession of the Halberd and experience the wonders of this fascinating good luck piece.
Possess the Halberd...
- If you want to recapture the essence of a past romance.
- If you want the one you love to look at you with loving eyes.
- If you are filled with love but have no one who appreciates all you have to offer.
- If you want to live in bliss and happiness and security with your soul mate.
- If you want to have self-esteem and self-confidence.
- If you know what you want - a happy, fulfilling love life - but feel frustrated because you've failed to achieve it.
And, above all, the Halberd of St. Jude is for you if you want to capture the heart of the one you love.