Cast During the Total Lunar Eclipse
The Legendary Master Psychic Burton will cast this special Eclipse spell for a select few clients during the total lunar eclipse on March 14, 2025.
Due to the complexity and time required to cast an Eclipse spell, Burton is only accepting a limited number of clients.
This spell could benefit you, if:
- You are in a relationship that recently has been difficult and you are concerned that it may deteriorate rapidly.
- And it requires immediate attention that cannot be postponed.
- It would also be a boost to your morale (and general happiness and well-being) if you could receive an unexpected increase in funds.
If the above words resonate with you, Burton awaits word to cast the Eclipse Love & Money spell in your behalf.
NOTE: In order to allow Burton enough time to cast your spell during the eclipse, you must place your order before 12:00PM Pacific Daylight Time, Tuesday, March 11th, so don't delay!