Below is a sample 3-Month Horoscope for actor Mel Gibson. If it was printed, it would be 31 pages long! A 6-Month Horoscope will be similar, but will be approximately twice as long. We will also include a color natal chart, along with an explanation of how to read and understand the chart. Please note that this is an example only, and because each horosocope is extremely personal and unique, your horoscope will be somewhat different Mr. Gibson's! |
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Text Copyright by Riley Goodwin and Astrodienst AG, Swizerland. All rights reserved. This report is titled the "Destiny and Decisions Forecast" because there is an element of the future that you cannot change; this is your destiny. But you also have choices and options available to you; these are your decisions. This report predicts where the planets are in the current time period, when they will be forming aspects to your natal planets, what influences these aspects bring, and how long they will last--as far into the future as you wish to look. THIS is truly PREDICTIVE ASTROLOGY! Our report goes beyond the limitations of most astrological forecast reports in two very important ways: (1) we go into a much more detailed interpretation for the heavier aspects that could have a greater impact on your life, and (2) we include some suggestions for you to consider regarding how you may deal with the influences. This should eliminate the need for further counseling in most cases. Your forecast begins on the next page. If the time period for an interpretation is, for example, given as "July 1, 1999 (June 15, 1999 to July 15, 1999)", then it starts in mid-June, reaches greatest intensity around July 1, and ends in mid-July. The first date listed is the time when the influence has reached maximum strength. An influence may last for as little as a week to as long as half a year or so. To obtain maximum benefit from this report, we recommend a periodic study and review of the information as the time period unfolds--once a week, at least, and more often when there are significant things going on in your life. It is always good to keep a diary or a journal to get a sense of the timing of the transits and a history of how they affected your life. Following is the data from your natal chart with which the transiting planets form aspects: Tropical/Placidus NATAL CHART Calculated for time zone 0 hours Natal positions: Sun=12CP30 Moon= 0LI01 Merc=29CP17 Ven=13AQ09 Mars=23SC20 Jup= 1VI03 Sat=29SC10 Ura= 1LE02 Nep= 0SC11 Plu=28LE20 Asc=14CN59 MC=24PI22 2nd h= 4LE21 3rd h=26LE24 5th h= 0SC24 6th h=10SA18 PLANET-TO-PLANET SELECTIONS Natal: Sun Moon Merc Ven Mars Jup Sat Ura Nep Plu Asc MC Transiting: Sun Merc Ven Mars Jup Sat Ura Nep Plu ASPECT ORB ASPECT ORB Conj ( 0 deg 00 min) 1 deg 00 min Oppos (180 deg 00 min) 1 deg 00 min Sqr ( 90 deg 00 min) 1 deg 00 min Trine (120 deg 00 min) 1 deg 00 min Sxtil ( 60 deg 00 min) 1 deg 00 min Dec 2, 2003 (Dec 1, 2003 to Jan 6, 2004) Sun 6th H. TRANSITING SUN IN THE SIXTH HOUSE--When the Sun transits this house of your Natal chart, it influences the departments of life most strongly affected by the individual will and power potential. You may have delicate health with your Sun in the sixth house, requiring proper attention to dietary habits. You will have a tendency to seek recognition through your work and service, and you take pride in your work. You like to be appreciated however, and if you feel you are not, you will change jobs. There probably will be no difficulty in obtaining well-paid positions, and your inclinations will be toward a career related to health--such as nursing, pharmacology, counseling, or medicine. Your self-esteem and dignity seem to be closely linked to your work and the service you give. Dec 4, 2003 (Sep 10, 2003 to Jan 3, 2004) Ura Sqr Sat TRANSITING URANUS SQUARE NATAL SATURN:--In this aspect, the impulsiveness and desire for freedom squares off against the influences of order and discipline. Needless to say, this can create a state of confusion. You feel a strong sense of uneasiness because you don't know what to expect next. All the hidden tensions in your world are being released at this time and all the structures you have built up in your world will more than ever be challenged by circumstances. One, many, or all areas of your life which you thought were steadfast may crumble, forcing you to make a lot of changes. Uranus usually reveals aspects of your life that you haven't considered appropriately, or that you have not considered at all, by creating a sudden event that does not fit into the usual pattern of your life. Though the awareness is necessary and the outcome is usually best for you, it can be an upsetting and uneasy period of your life. The key is not to panic. Curb impatience and impulsive action. Take proper care of health matters, both emotional and physical. Assess all sudden and upsetting happenings carefully, and seek spiritual guidance. Uranus vibrates on a higher octave than we are used to hearing, and we need direction from the Universe in order to utilize its positive influences of inventiveness and ingenuity. One of the higher purposes of this planet is to help us to achieve freedom from Self. Dec 6, 2003 (Dec 4, 2003 to Feb 4, 2004) Mars 10th H. TRANSITING MARS IN THE TENTH HOUSE--Mars transiting the houses influences the departments of life in which you express your actions and desires and where you need to use energy and initiative in order to get results. While transiting the tenth house, it will emphasize your desire for fame and status. You will have a strong competitive drive to reach the top, and are likely to earn recognition in whatever you attempt to do now. You can be a leader, and politics could be the field. Your motives are materialistic, and you will need to avoid using unfair means to gain power and recognition. Dec 24, 2003 (Dec 23, 2003 to Jan 11, 2004) Ven 8th H. TRANSITING VENUS IN THE EIGHTH HOUSE--Venus transiting in the houses influences how you express the Venus attitudes in the various areas of your life and how you may be affected by those things Venus rules. In the eighth house it indicates the possibility of financial gain through marriage, other partnerships, and social relations. It often indicates an inheritance, or that you might even marry for money. You could have a highly sensuous nature now with an emphasis on sex, so that the physical side of a relationship could be very important to you. Your emotions are extremely intense, and you will need to guard against jealousy and possessiveness. Dec 31, 2003 11 PM(Dec 31, 2003 to Jan 1, 2004) Ven Conj Ven TRANSITING VENUS CONJUNCT NATAL VENUS--This transit will provide strong influences for you to take the initiative in all kinds of relationships, especially love relationships. Revealing and reiterating your love at this time could turn the relationship in a new direction. You should not leave your feelings to the other one's imagination. You will have a strong desire for beautiful things. Enhance your environment. You will be extremely conscious of all things artistic. Surround yourself with beauty and take advantage of the pleasant aspects of life. Jan 1, 2004 2 PM(Dec 31, 2003 to Jan 2, 2004)Merc Trine Plu TRANSITING MERCURY TRINE NATAL PLUTO--This transiting trine gives you the ability to get to the bottom of things. It helps the influences of mental Mercury to penetrate the often heavy depths of the influences of Pluto. You will have good powers of concentration during this time. You will be able to use your willpower intelligently, giving you the ability to increase your mental abilities and improve your mind in the areas of communication. You probably like mystery stories, and could write them as well. You have a sensitivity to nuclear science, but this can also be interpreted as an interest in the occult. Interest in activities toward preserving the world environment may surface now. Pluto demands that your efforts include the betterment of conditions for all mankind. Jan 3, 2004 2 PM(Jan 2, 2004 to Jan 4, 2004) Sun Conj Sun TRANSITING SUN CONJUNCT NATAL SUN--The exact date of this aspect marks your true birthday, even though it may vary a day or two from the calendar date. The transit indicates a day of new beginnings. The things you start as a result of this transit's influences will remain with you throughout the year. You may not feel the influences very strongly, but the Sun's energy will be added to your thoughts and efforts. It is a good time for starting projects you may have been putting off, and for allowing thoughts to surface that you may have been suppressing. They could ride this wave of energy to a satisfactory conclusion, especially if fulfillment can be accomplished within the calendar year. There could be the temptation to just let the feelings produced by this transit "go by", but it would be a shame to waste the energy that comes from your inner core during the time this aspect is in orb. You need to be aware that you may crave to be the center of attention during this aspect. Remember, everything in moderation, but this is YOUR "day in the Sun" -- so ENJOY! Jan 3, 2004 (Dec 4, 2003 to Jan 24, 2004) Ura Trine Nep TRANSITING URANUS TRINE NATAL NEPTUNE--This transit will raise your awareness to a new or advanced concept of Universal Truth: emphasis will be upon greater spiritual and philosophical ideals and ideas. Both of these planets are "double octave" planets and this trine will inspire you to learn more about their higher spiritual vibrations. If you have had little interest in philosophy before, now you will begin to wonder about the meaning of your life, and will explore more idealistic points of view. You are likely to begin studying metaphysics and the occult during this transit if you have not already done so. You will have more compassion for others, and will want to share these feelings with them. If your spiritual awareness is already heightened, you will expand your studies and broaden your ideals for what might make the world a better place. You will want to share this enthusiasm with everyone, but those closest to you could appear to be the least interested. If this be the case, seek out others who share your heightened interest in spiritual growth, for you will not be inclined to allow any stagnation of your awareness during this transit. Seek only positive sources of learning and avoid any kind of negative cults. Jan 6, 2004 12 AM(Jan 5, 2004 to Jan 7, 2004) Sun Oppos Asc TRANSITING SUN OPPOSITE THE NATAL ASCENDANT--This transit brings all kinds of encounters with others. It encourages you to learn about yourself psychologically through the way you experience and affect other people. There could be ego conflicts, but it is a good time to get things out in the open. Compatible partnerships will work well unless you challenge them. It is a good time to consult with a professional expert or consultant. Jan 6, 2004 (Jan 5, 2004 to Jan 25, 2004) Sun 7th H. TRANSITING SUN IN THE SEVENTH HOUSE--When the Sun transits this house of your Natal chart, it influences the departments of life most strongly affected by the individual will and power potential. With a seventh house Sun, you may begin to express your power potential through close personal relationships, and you are likely to attract strong, capable, and close, loyal friends. Marriage is important to you, and you will attract a strong, loyal mate with enduring affection. You are especially good at public relations, gaining popularity, dealing with superiors, and showing a self-confident manner. You need to watch for tendencies to dominate others. If you catch yourself doing this, stop and respect their individual self-expression. Jan 6, 2004 11 AM(Jan 4, 2004 to Jan 8, 2004) Mars Sqr Sun TRANSITING MARS SQUARE NATAL SUN--This is a high-energy transit under which you can assert yourself effectively and accomplish a great deal of work. However, you will be tested along the way and forced to validate everything you do. Anger is close to the surface. You won't be willing to back down or compromise on any issue, but that is exactly what you need to do--especially if you can do so without giving up on essential points. You can accomplish much, but will need the cooperation of others. Decisions made now will affect the next Mars transit to your natal Sun (in about six months). This is a good time for almost any kind of activity you may wish to engage in, if you can practice the art of diplomacy. It is especially good for business ventures and for dealing with authorities. You should be able to get the best possible deal for yourself. Physical energy is high and you should enjoy good health and good spirits. Jan 7, 2004 12 PM(Jan 5, 2004 to Jan 9, 2004) Mars Sxtil Ven TRANSITING MARS SEXTILE NATAL VENUS--This transit arouses the physical sexual drives. It favors an already existing relationship, for both will be able to give and receive from each other. It is also a good time for artistic expression and appreciation of beauty in all its forms. Two key themes of this transit are entertainment and fun. Enjoy. . . . . Jan 9, 2004 6 AM(Jan 8, 2004 to Jan 10, 2004) Ven Sqr Mars TRANSITING VENUS SQUARE NATAL MARS--Squares usually bring challenges to be met and/or obstacles to be overcome, and this one could have serious consequences. The emotions of Venus are squared off against the actions urges of Mars. In relationships, the love interest will be enhanced and physical desire will be aroused. If the feelings are mutual the result can be great, but if not, disaster can be the result. The lessons to be learned here could be tolerance, control and respect. Venus is also the planet of the arts, and Mars the planet of action. Sublimating the sexual urges into artist interests and action can be the solution to relationship difficulties and conflicts. Professional counseling could be strongly indicated here. Jan 10, 2004 12 PM(Jan 8, 2004 to Jan 12, 2004) Mars Sqr Asc TRANSITING MARS SQUARE THE NATAL ASCENDANT--This transit can indicate a time when relationships are stormy at best. Each person is likely to be strongly set in his/her own point of view, and compromise will be difficult. Disputes and quarrels are likely. The only way to improve the situation is for each one to make his/her position very clear, if it is possible to do so without blaming or moral judgments, and without trying to solve all the problems now. The anger must be expressed however, or it could lead to a violent outbreak later with possible violence. If you can find a positive outlet for your aggressions, much work could be accomplished. Care should be taken if machinery is to be used. If the energy of this aspect is not expressed now, it could find an outlet in illness or an accident. Jan 11, 2004 (Jan 10, 2004 to Feb 3, 2004) Ven 9th H. TRANSITING VENUS IN THE NINTH HOUSE--Venus transiting in the houses influences how you express yourself romantically, artistically and socially in the various areas of your life. Ninth house position brings you a love of art, religion, and philosophy. You will love to travel and will be especially receptive to people of other cultures. You could marry someone from a foreign country, and much happiness can come from in-laws relationships during this transit. You could also become a scholar in foreign cultures. Jan 12, 2004 6 AM(Jan 10, 2004 to Jan 13, 2004)Merc Trine Plu This astrological influence (Merc Trine Plu) also occurred on Jan 1, 2004 (peak date). Please refer to this date. Jan 13, 2004 8 AM(Jan 12, 2004 to Jan 14, 2004)Ven Oppos Plu TRANSITING VENUS OPPOSITE NATAL PLUTO--This aspect deals with relationships, and intensifies the energy and the affects of the experiences involved. It could lead to indiscretions that could cause problems later on. A new relationship could be impulsive in nature, and infatuation may prevent you from proper evaluation of the consequences. Caution and awareness is recommended until you can get a feel for where the relationship could go. There could be obscure conflicts in existing relationships, causing some difficulties. Subconscious impulses may cause you to behave irrationally, and you need to beware of manipulative tendencies in yourself. There are powerful energies at work here, and you need to be able to deal with root causes. Handled properly, this aspect can be a powerful force for good. Jan 14, 2004 1 AM(Jan 13, 2004 to Jan 15, 2004) Ven Sqr Sat TRANSITING VENUS SQUARE NATAL SATURN--Squares usually bring challenges and/or obstacles and this one may be no exception. The emotional and artistic influences of Venus are squared off against the disciplinary influences of Saturn. It will be a good time for self-reflection and introspection. Better to be alone, for if you seek company you will still feel lonely. It is not a good time to resolve relationship difficulties. You may feel cool and reserved, even to those you love. Saturn may cause you to expect too much from them and from yourself. It is a time to accept limitations. Let this transit pass without making any log-term decisions. Jan 14, 2004 4 AM(Jan 13, 2004 to Jan 15, 2004)Sun Sxtil Mars TRANSITING SUN SEXTILE NATAL MARS--This transit brings high energy and enhances your faith in your own ability. It provides an excellent time for accomplishing all kinds of work and physical activity. In fact, physical activity and exercise is extremely important at this time. Sun is energy and Mars is action, and physical activity is necessary for physical, mental, and spiritual health. You can work well with others during this time, but you will also be assertive and self-confident in your own right. However, others will not be threatened by your ego, and it is good to work in cooperation with them. It is not a good time to strike out alone and on your own. This transit can also bring opportunities for leadership. Jan 14, 2004 11 AM(Jan 13, 2004 to Jan 15, 2004)Merc Sqr Moon TRANSITING MERCURY SQUARE NATAL MOON--This transit gets you in touch with your feelings. Your thinking and communications will be influenced from the subconscious, and may not be readily understood by others. Squares bring challenges to be faced and obstacles to be overcome. Psychological patterns from your past may manifest themselves in your behavior. This is a good time to examine your inherited and child-taught attitudes, and to begin to root out prejudices. Jan 14, 2004 4 PM(Jan 13, 2004 to Jan 15, 2004)Merc Sxtil Nep TRANSITING MERCURY SEXTILE NATAL NEPTUNE--Positive imagination accompanies this transit. Your intuitive Mercury mind is tuned in to the higher plane of mystical Neptune. Prayer and meditation is indicated. Daydreaming is likely, therefore it is not a good time for performing tasks which require clear thinking and concentration. However flights of fancy will illuminate your higher mind and artistic frontiers can open up for you. The keyword is inspiration. Jan 14, 2004 9 PM(Jan 14, 2004 to Jan 15, 2004)Ven Trine Nep TRANSITING VENUS TRINE NATAL NEPTUNE-This a pleasant aspect but not good for getting things done. Expect fantasies and daydreams. This could be an extremely useful transit for creative activity, but you must completely work it out in your head before producing the physical form. This transit inspires compassion and tenderness, along with unselfish and spiritual love. Unhappy relationships could improve, and good ones get better. Seek the higher plane of Neptune through prayer and meditation. Jan 15, 2004 5 AM(Jan 14, 2004 to Jan 16, 2004) Sun Sxtil MC TRANSITING SUN SEXTILE THE NATAL MIDHEAVEN--This transit should help you to feel strong, confident and full of vim, vigor and vitality. Optimism and self-confidence is high, and you know inside yourself what you can do--you do not need re-enforcement from others. You are likely to focus your attention on getting ahead professionally during this transit. It is a good time to plan your future course of action. Because of your awareness of personal responsibility and inner strength, your personal and family life also benefit from this aspect. Jan 15, 2004 2 PM(Jan 14, 2004 to Jan 16, 2004)Ven Oppos Jup TRANSITING VENUS OPPOSITE NATAL JUPITER--Oppositions usually bring challenges and/or obstacles to be overcome. This is an aspect of self-indulgence, but it also indicates joy, pleasure and satisfaction. You will feel "lucky", and ambition will not be pressing during this time. You will not want to bother with serious responsibilities, for your mind will be on other things. It is definitely not a good time to go shopping unless you have money to throw away. It would be a good time to get involved with the spiritual side of your life, and come down to earth a little bit. Jan 15, 2004 4 PM(Jan 14, 2004 to Jan 16, 2004)Merc Trine Jup TRANSITING MERCURY TRINE NATAL JUPITER--This transit expands the mind. It favors all types of business and commercial activity, as it is an excellent time for planning for the future and creating organizational systems. Although Jupiter is sometimes called the "lucky" planet, these things do not happen through luck, but rather through hard work, which the mind is opened up to realize during this time. You are optimistic and positive in your thinking, which, when applied with luck, can lead to phenomenal success. Jan 19, 2004 10 PM(Jan 18, 2004 to Jan 20, 2004)Sun Sxtil Sat TRANSITING SUN SEXTILE NATAL SATURN--This could be considered a lucky transit, even for Saturn, the planet of discipline. Your feelings may be more career oriented than usual and this is a good time for getting things done. Plans will begin at the basic level and build in an orderly manner. Your mind is well organized and you will have a strong sense of self-discipline. All tasks will be completed in an orderly way, and with no loose ends. This is mostly a work-a-day transit, and you are likely to be recognized by your superiors. Use this energy in constructive ways while it lasts, for it will not always be there. However, it is a good time to consult "experts" in your fields of interest, especially if they might be "father figures". It is not necessarily a good time to "relax and enjoy". Jan 20, 2004 1 AM(Jan 19, 2004 to Jan 21, 2004)Sun Conj Merc TRANSITING SUN CONJUNCT NATAL MERCURY--This conjunction transit brings energy and willpower to your thoughts. You will have lots of mental stamina and creativity in ideas, work, and friendships during this time. You will be able to enforce your ideas and decisions with willpower. The risk here, with all this mental power, is objectivity. It is difficult to see yourself as others see you, and your personal self-conception makes it difficult to differentiate between mind and ego. The transiting influences of the aspect bring the focus upon matters that apply directly to the self. It indicates a time for initiating communications and ideas with respect to your intentions toward yourself and others. It is a good time to make plans for the future, because you are likely to have a good understanding of your needs now. You need to practice getting Self out of the way however, and letting your energetic mind solve the problems and make the decisions. There is also a possibility of travel, as the restless tensions will make you want to move around. Jan 20, 2004 6 PM(Jan 19, 2004 to Jan 21, 2004)Sun Trine Moon TRANSITING SUN TRINE NATAL MOON--Like the sextile aspect, the trine brings a time of inner peace and balance. You have the serenity to look into yourself with a deeper understanding of what you want, what you need, and how you should go about getting it. Your approach to life is balanced, but you should study your personal life and prepare for a period of creative tension and pressures that are approaching a climax. You can live through your feelings as well as your intellect today, and you can communicate with others at both levels. You should examine your personal life and relationships and correct any difficulties and/or misunderstandings with others who may have created such difficulties or misunderstandings between you and them. If the last few months have been a period of breakdowns rather than creative experiences, you need to learn how to pick up the pieces and make a new start. Friendships and love relationships that start under this transit could have lasting consequences on your future life, and could have a strong effect on your attitudes toward life in general. Jan 20, 2004 10 PM(Jan 19, 2004 to Jan 21, 2004) Sun Sqr Nep TRANSITING SUN SQUARE NATAL NEPTUNE--This transit can bring a low energy level, both physically and psychologically. If you feel tired and unable to get started, just know that your body needs the day off. Knowing in advance, do not put off things that need to be done until this day. It is also not a day for projects that require great self-confidence and courage--you just won't have it. Avoid deception from yourself and others. On the positive side, the transit could enhance your idealism and produce a beautiful moment. You can work to make it come true, but don't be discouraged by a gap between your ideals and your reality. Jan 21, 2004 6 PM(Jan 20, 2004 to Jan 22, 2004)Sun Oppos Ura TRANSITING SUN OPPOSITE NATAL URANUS--Things will be different and unexpected under this transit. Whatever you think is normal--it won't be. There could be extreme restlessness in relationships and something completely unexpected may come to light. In business or other partnerships, sudden revisions or adjustments may become necessary because of unexpected revelations. You are likely to be extremely restless, also. You need to focus on what it is that is making you feel that way, and what it is that you want. It may not be the time to go after it (whatever "it" is), but it is important for you to find out. The Sun in this transit is trying to show you certain elements of your interaction with the world which you have not considered before, and their relevance to you which you have not adequately recognized before. This energy needs to be discharged in positive ways lest it break out in accident-prone behavior. Jan 22, 2004 (Dec 31, 2003 to Feb 9, 2004) Ura Oppos Jup TRANSITING URANUS OPPOSITE NATAL JUPITER--This is an aspect during which you should practice extreme caution and watch the affairs of your life very carefully. Sudden situations arise which could be very productive and beneficial if you recognize them in advance, but they could be extremely difficult if you do not. The problem is in not being given the time to figure out accurately which way to go. If you don't act soon enough the opportunity can be lost--but if you act too quickly it could be disaster. The aspect brings a desire to gamble and take chances, but you are better off being cautious. Better a missed opportunity than a disaster. Relationships are vulnerable during this time because of the extreme pressure for freedom, possibly on both sides. However, if there has been good communication, this aspect could strengthen understanding. Impulsive decisions should be avoided. If you have been putting up with a tense and strained situation in any other area of your life and getting no benefit from it, you will break free from that tension now. A definite event is likely to become the proverbial "straw that broke the camel's back". You will immediately feel a sense of relief when that time is past. Jan 25, 2004 (Jan 24, 2004 to Feb 15, 2004) Sun 8th H. TRANSITING SUN IN THE EIGHTH HOUSE--When the Sun transits this house of your Natal chart, it influences the departments of life most strongly affected by the individual will and power potential. In this house, your interest will be directed toward the deeper mysteries of life, such as death, and the survival of consciousness after death. This will probably increase in intensity as you grow older. You are likely to work at self-improvement through the application of your strong will. Spiritual principles will be important to you, but they may not come easy. You need to transcend the material level of life. The Sun in this house may indicate inheritances and legacies. You are likely to deal much with taxes, insurance, and partners' or corporate finances. Watch out for trouble in litigation of these kinds of matters. Avoid the tendency to squander others resources. Jan 25, 2004 1 AM(Jan 24, 2004 to Jan 26, 2004)Ven Sxtil Sun TRANSITING VENUS SEXTILE NATAL SUN--Sextiles are supportive, and this one is a pleasant one. People will be good to you under this transit, and you will enjoy group activities and being with friends. It is a good time for working with others, especially those in authority, and opportunities for advancement could result. This is an extremely good transit for any kind of an interview where you need to make a good impression. It is a good time to ask for favors of any kind. You will also be interested in all things artistic. Jan 25, 2004 6 PM(Jan 24, 2004 to Jan 26, 2004)Merc Conj Sun TRANSITING MERCURY CONJUNCT NATAL SUN--This transit will enhance your power to express yourself clearly and strongly. You will be able to impress others and gain their support for your point of view. You will be more able to understand your goals and your purpose, and to communicate them to others. Even if some others don't agree with you, they are likely to understand and support your point of view. With all this personal power you must be careful that the understanding works both ways. There will be several and various types of communications bombarding you during this transit. Understanding and discrimination on your part could be vital. You could feel restless and "tied down", so travel if you need to and let your mind be expanded. Jan 27, 2004 2 AM(Jan 26, 2004 to Jan 28, 2004)Ven Trine Asc TRANSITING VENUS TRINE THE NATAL ASCENDANT--This is another Venus fun transit. This is a time for gratification and pleasure and not for hard work. Love, affection and pleasure are more important than work. Watch out for over-indulgence in food and drink, and spending money--except for beautifying your home. Have a party! Jan 27, 2004 3 PM(Jan 26, 2004 to Jan 28, 2004)Merc Oppos Asc TRANSITING MERCURY OPPOSITE THE NATAL ASCENDANT--Oppositions usually bring obstacles to be overcome. If you feel confused and don't know how to proceed, this would be a good time for consulting an appropriate "expert", or counselor, for advice. (Maybe an Astrologer?) Communications should be good with spouse or partner. Old misunderstandings and current problems could be discussed openly. It could be a good time for giving and receiving things to be "gotten off the chest"--within reason, of course. Jan 27, 2004 (Jan 26, 2004 to Feb 10, 2004) Merc 7th H. TRANSITING MERCURY IN THE SEVENTH HOUSE--Transiting Mercury in the houses deals with the practical affairs that occupy your mind and shows what areas of activity will be influenced by your thoughts and communications. In the seventh house, you are concerned with communication and mental cooperation with others. You may prefer to work in a partnership rather than individually, and your tendency to seek mental companionship may cause you to marry an intellectual. Other relationships are also likely to be with well educated and intelligent persons. You have a general aptitude for psychology and may be skillful in mediation, arbitration and counseling. Jan 31, 2004 7 PM(Jan 30, 2004 to Feb 2, 2004)Mars Trine Plu TRANSITING MARS TRINE NATAL PLUTO--This transit can stimulate your ambitions, and you will be non-threatening to others around you. It is a good time for efforts toward improving your work situation. You could also correct unsatisfactory conditions in other areas of your life and begin to regenerate any poor psychological and physical health attitudes you might have. Find out what you want to change about yourself and your world and begin by setting some long range plans and implementing them. Your energy level is high and should last for some time. However, efforts should not be for ego inflation alone. They won't work if they are contrary to the best interests of your world at large. Feb 2, 2004 7 AM(Jan 31, 2004 to Feb 3, 2004) Mars Sqr Merc TRANSITING MARS SQUARE NATAL MERCURY--This transit brings a high energy level and great capacity for mental effort. However, your ego identifies with your ideas and you will not countenance disagreement. If any obstacle gets in your way, you are likely to respond with anger and irritation. Be careful how you talk to others, for the risk of arguments and disputes is very high. You will be strong enough to carry out your points of view, but try not to ride roughshod over others. Be careful of using any machinery or sharp objects, especially if angry, as you are likely to be accident prone during this transit. Feb 2, 2004 3 PM(Feb 1, 2004 to Feb 3, 2004)Merc Sxtil Mars TRANSITING MERCURY SEXTILE NATAL MARS--This transit brings a high level of mental activity, supporting the best influences of Mercury and Mars. You can work very hard, and any project you attempt will go well. You are likely to want to do things on your own and for yourself, or at least for personal recognition. You will be able to communicate and present your case to others in a very forceful way during this time. Others may not be up to your work level, however, and you need to be patient with them. Your optimism and self confidence will allow you to take advantage of all opportunities that come your way during this aspect. Feb 2, 2004 4 PM(Feb 1, 2004 to Feb 3, 2004) Sun Conj Ven TRANSITING SUN CONJUNCT NATAL VENUS--This transit provides power and energy to the emotions and to artistic expression. It helps you to love life and love yourself, though you may need to watch out for narcissism. During this progression you are fond of fun and social activities. The aspect gives you beauty and ease in self expression and the ability to bring happiness to others. You should get along especially well with children, and you have strong affections and romantic drives. It could bring new light to romantic involvements and love relationships. You need to make new contacts and friendships, for it is a good time for group activities. You may be a little prone to self indulgence during this transit, and may need to watch out for impulse spending. Feb 3, 2004 1 AM(Feb 2, 2004 to Feb 4, 2004) Ven Trine Mars TRANSITING VENUS TRINE NATAL MARS--This trine aspect supports most activities. Of course, with Venus and Mars involved, the sex drive is likely to be high. In a relationship, this would indicate gentleness and mutual receptivity. In this and in other areas of your life, you are able to assert yourself in ways that enable you to get what you want without offending anybody. Action in some area of artistic expression can be very successful during this time. Feb 3, 2004 9 AM(Feb 2, 2004 to Feb 4, 2004) Merc Sxtil MC TRANSITING MERCURY SEXTILE THE NATAL MIDHEAVEN--This transit focuses your attention on your work, career, and professional goals. You can plan for the future at this time and will discuss with others the areas of your life that your highest interests are triggered into. Communications are likely to be multiple and in many forms. Use this time to clarify your thoughts and actions to yourself and to those others who are significant in these activities. Feb 3, 2004 5 PM(Feb 2, 2004 to Feb 5, 2004) Mars Oppos Nep TRANSITING MARS OPPOSITE NATAL NEPTUNE--This aspect can bring with it feelings of doubt, discouragement, and inadequacy. You may be forced to face the consequences of past actions that you had hoped would just go away. This is not a time to trust others implicitly--duplicity is quite likely. Also avoid deviousness in your own actions and communications. Remember, squares and oppositions present obstacles and tensions for growth, and the lesson here is to confront these influences without caving in and feeling helpless. Your energies will be low, but try to conserve them and confront your own fears. That could be the most useful thing to come out of this difficult aspect. Your body is extremely sensitive to allergies during this time, and also to the negative side effects of drugs--prescription or otherwise. Feb 3, 2004 (Feb 3, 2004 to Mar 6, 2004) Ven 10th H. TRANSITING VENUS IN THE TENTH HOUSE--Venus transiting in the houses influences how you express yourself socially, artistically and romantically in the various areas of your life. Tenth house position may bring social and artistic ambitions. You will probably choose a profession related to the arts and are likely to have the talent to achieve recognition. You will do well in dealing with the opposite sex, and are likely to seek (or have already found) marriage with someone who can further your artistic career. You are likely to receive status and wealth from a romantic partner now. Feb 3, 2004 10 PM(Feb 3, 2004 to Feb 4, 2004) Ven Conj MC TRANSITING VENUS CONJUNCT THE NATAL MIDHEAVEN--Matters of love and affection are uppermost during this transit. You are conscious of your loved ones and your feelings for them. All personal relationships are favored by this aspect. Work in creative activities only. You are more likely to want to daydream than to work, unless your profession is related to artistic expression. A good time for any social activity, since you feel warm and friendly to everyone. Don't waste the day by yourself. Feb 4, 2004 (Feb 2, 2004 to Apr 6, 2004) Mars 11th H. TRANSITING MARS IN THE ELEVENTH HOUSE--Mars transiting the houses influences the departments of life in which you express your actions and desires. It shows where you need to exert energy and initiative in order to produce results. In the eleventh house it directs your energy toward friendships and group activities. Your friends are likely to be of masculine, aggressive types, whether male or female, and they can help you with your ambitions. You are mentally alert and probably have good mechanical understanding and ability. You will want to spend much of your energy on social reform. You will need to curb your impulsiveness during this transit. Feb 5, 2004 1 AM(Feb 3, 2004 to Feb 6, 2004) Mars Sqr Ura TRANSITING MARS SQUARE NATAL URANUS--This transit will bring you a short period of restlessness and impulsiveness. You will want to take action on your freedom instincts, and you will feel challenged upon your ability to be yourself. You will need to control these impulses lest they bring on revolt and rebellion. You need to create the appearance and the activity of on-going growth and change, and be satisfied with gradual improvement. The action elements of Mars and the freedom demands of Uranus will make this difficult, but drastic actions will only make things worse. Avoid conflict with authority figures during this time. Fortunately, Mars transits only last about three or four days, and when you know they are coming, at least you can discipline yourself to wait them out while you go on with the other areas of your life in a positive manner. Feb 5, 2004 2 AM(Feb 3, 2004 to Feb 6, 2004) Mars Trine Jup TRANSITING MARS TRINE NATAL JUPITER--This aspect indicates much activity. Energies are high, you feel good, and you believe that you can do twice as much work as usual. This is considered a "lucky" aspect, but most luck is the product of proper planning and right effort. During this aspect, you will be able to see the whole picture clearly, so your planning and your activities will be more effectively directed. It is a favorable time for most business activities, even for taking some risks. Avoid self-aggrandizement and work on increased consciousness and self-knowledge. Feb 6, 2004 3 PM(Feb 5, 2004 to Feb 7, 2004) Merc Sxtil Sat TRANSITING MERCURY SEXTILE NATAL SATURN--This supportive transit helps bring the mental and the disciplinary influences into a semblance of cooperation. Your mind is on serious concerns and you are concerned with making the situation better. It is a good time to look around and see what needs to be corrected in your environment. Saturn's discipline to the thinking is a gentle nudge to work on the details rather than the overall pattern. Try to focus your energy on the completion of difficult dilemmas and activities. Feb 6, 2004 5 PM(Feb 6, 2004 to Feb 7, 2004) Merc Conj Merc TRANSITING MERCURY CONJUNCT NATAL MERCURY--Mercury is mind and communications. When it is in the same degree in your present time that it was in your natal chart, the influences can be doubled. This is an extremely positive transit for all types of communications. Your mind is sharp and your words and ideas come easily and quickly. You will be able to follow the twists and turns that complex ideas and situations may take. Try to take advantage of this time when your mental energy is high and positive. Complete all communications needs and situations you can during this transit. You will find the interchange of ideas lively and intellectually fulfilling. If travel is strongly indicated, do it. Feb 7, 2004 4 AM(Feb 6, 2004 to Feb 8, 2004)Merc Trine Moon TRANSITING MERCURY TRINE NATAL MOON--This transit will put you "in touch with your feelings" and with the feelings of others as well. It is a good time for you to look into yourself and bring the psychological part of your past up to date. You will understand the feeling side of all kinds of communications now and it would be a good time to clear up any emotional situations that you may have with others. They could sense your empathy and be receptive to your efforts to establish better communications. It is imperative for you to be completely honest in all your communications during this transit. Feb 7, 2004 7 AM(Feb 6, 2004 to Feb 8, 2004) Merc Sqr Nep TRANSITING MERCURY SQUARE NATAL NEPTUNE--Squares usually create challenges and obstacles to face and to be overcome, and this one is no exception. Communications can be confused and misunderstood, especially in business dealings. The transit can be supportive of studies in mysticism, but keep it "down-to-earth". There can be a tendency to idealize and daydream. You will want to keep secrets and avoid confrontations, which will only add to the fog and confusion that is present in your life during this time. Be super careful in business dealings now, lest misunderstandings and misrepresentations obscure the issue. You may easily deceive, or be deceived, either deliberately or unknowingly. Seek spiritual guidance through prayer and meditation before making any major decisions. Feb 7, 2004 9 PM(Feb 7, 2004 to Feb 8, 2004) Merc Oppos Ura TRANSITING MERCURY OPPOSITE NATAL URANUS--Oppositions usually mean obstacles to be overcome and this is no exception. When a transit hits this aspect, it could make you blunt, tactless, arrogant and conceited. No one else could make you change your mind about anything, but YOU may change it without the slightest justification. The key here is to "lighten up". Don't be afraid to be wrong. Cultivate patience and cooperation with others during this time, whether you agree with them or not (and you probably won't). Try to avoid snap judgments and sudden decisions--"look before you leap". Seek spiritual guidance for the use of the awesome power this transit can provide. Feb 8, 2004 12 AM(Feb 7, 2004 to Feb 8, 2004) Ven Trine Sat TRANSITING VENUS TRINE NATAL SATURN--Trines are supportive and this is a steady, stable transit. You will be satisfied with relationships and will make few demands. You are understanding of others and can share willingly. This same stability of thought applies to business and financial affairs, and you will be realistic about limited resources. It is a good time for taking inventory of material things, and assessing any need for action. Artistic activities could be very successful now. Feb 8, 2004 2 AM(Feb 7, 2004 to Feb 9, 2004) Ven Sxtil Merc TRANSITING VENUS SEXTILE NATAL MERCURY--Sextiles are supportive and this is a "feel-good" Venus transit when your daily surroundings will seem more pleasant than usual. It is a good time for communicating to loved ones how much you care about them. You won't want to talk about serious things, but you can settle many relationship strains at this time. It is a time for social activities. It is also favorable for commercial transactions relating to the profession, especially in any field of the arts. Presentations to groups will be easy, since you can communicate well. Feb 8, 2004 5 PM(Feb 7, 2004 to Feb 9, 2004) Ven Oppos Moon TRANSITING VENUS OPPOSITE NATAL MOON--Oppositions usually bring challenges and/or obstacles to overcome, but this is not normally a difficult transit. It increases affections in all kinds of relationships and the ability for both to give and receive love. One problem may be that your desire to love someone could overrule your normal sense of discretion and your emotions could inhibit your ability to handle problems objectively. It might not be wise to make a commitment to a new love affair during this time. However, there should be warm and tender feelings between you and your loved ones. Feb 9, 2004 1 PM(Feb 8, 2004 to Feb 10, 2004) Ven Trine Ura TRANSITING VENUS TRINE NATAL URANUS--Trine aspects are usually the most supportive, but this transit will make you want to break away from routine and do something different. It may even bring a little excitement into your life. This could also apply to relationships. Any relationship begun under this transit is likely to be "electric" AND exciting, but unstable and short. There could also be an unconventional arrangement in old relationships, such as agreeing to have other lovers. People you meet now will be different from your usual friends. It can be an exciting time, but not one for long term planning toward serious goals. Artistic endeavors could be quite successful, however. Feb 9, 2004 (Jan 14, 2004 to Mar 8, 2004) Nep Conj Ven TRANSITING NEPTUNE CONJUNCT NATAL VENUS--This can be a fascinating transit. It stimulates the idealistic side of your nature and you will see beauty in everything. Your imagination will be more active than ever before. This "beautiful illusion" does not guarantee the reality of beauty and you cannot assume that the illusion is true of companions or in certain types of your work. You could express it in some artistic way, however. Relationships can be difficult during this transit, especially if you expect your partner to live up to the illusion. You must remember, all people are human, and few can live up to idealistic perfection. You will not need to "save" anyone, or need to be rescued yourself, though that illusion may also be there. Try to be realistic and just enjoy the beauty and scope of your imagination, and if you can capture some of it in some artistic manner, hang onto it for the future. In relationships, allow that the other person is an independent equal, and neither of you are here to live up to the other's expectations. Feb 10, 2004 (Feb 9, 2004 to Feb 23, 2004) Merc 8th H. TRANSITING MERCURY IN THE EIGHTH HOUSE--Transiting Mercury in the houses deals with the practical affairs that occupy your mind and shows what areas of activity will be influenced by your thoughts and communications. The eighth house transit provides interests in deeper phases of science and the occult. These interests could include spiritualism and communication with spirits of the dead. You love mystery and intrigue and will pursue secrets and discover the motivations behind human behavior. You like to get to the bottom of things. You can also plan in secret and formulate strategy behind the scenes. The whole subject of death is likely to hold a macabre fascination for you. Beware of plots for revenge, for you may have a tendency to hold grudges. Feb 12, 2004 5 PM(Feb 11, 2004 to Feb 13, 2004) Sun Sqr Mars TRANSITING SUN SQUARE NATAL MARS--You need to be very conscious of yourself and your motives during this transit. Square and Opposition aspects usually present challenges to be met, problems to be solved, and/or obstacles to be overcome. You could have serious ego conflicts with others if you allow subconscious energies to take over. This square could be challenging a decision you made or a position you took about six months ago. Your energy level can be so high that you would be very impatient when things don't go as planned. Be assertive only if the occasion calls for it, for you could be attracting belligerence from others. Try to avoid conflicts with authority figures--they could result in hostility. Tackle physical activities to use up the excess energies. A time out for physical exercise can help to bring matters into perspective and calm the action demands of Mars. If you turn feelings of anger or aggression inward, they could manifest that suppressed energy through accidents and/or illness. Emphasize--"calm, cool, and collected". Feb 15, 2004 2 PM(Feb 14, 2004 to Feb 16, 2004)Merc Conj Ven TRANSITING MERCURY CONJUNCT NATAL VENUS--This transit can stimulate your appreciation of beauty, and your interest in art, music or poetry. It also could indicate that you are more able to express your love, in or out of a relationship. It could help you to understand the intricate patterns which underlie your life as a whole. It is a mental position, working more on the mind than on the feelings. However, you can emotionalize communications, and express your thoughts and feelings in a very articulate way. It should also be favorable for all financial and business transactions. Feb 15, 2004 (Feb 14, 2004 to Mar 14, 2004) Sun 9th H. TRANSITING SUN IN THE NINTH HOUSE--When the Sun transits this house of your Natal chart, it influences the departments of life most strongly affected by the individual will and power potential. Ninth house position indicates a time of dynamic interest in spiritual and religious pursuits, especially in realms of higher education, religion, law, and philosophy. You have a highly intuitive mind, and may have flashes of inspiration that can help you to solve problems. You could have visions of the future that border on prophecy during this time. You are likely to be interested in distant places and their culture, art forms, and traditions. You will probably have strong moral convictions by which you guide your life. Your beliefs may not be traditional, and you need to be extremely careful to avoid any tendency to impose your religious and moral views upon others. Feb 17, 2004 4 PM(Feb 16, 2004 to Feb 18, 2004)Sun Oppos Plu TRANSITING SUN OPPOSITE NATAL PLUTO--This transit could bring intense encounters with other people and circumstances. There could be power struggles with authority, where you would be forced to stand up for your position. However, you should avoid acting in over-bearing or domineering ways. Aspects of your life which you have not understood or may have chosen to ignore are coming to the surface in your consciousness at this time, and can be causing these conflicts. There can also be breakdowns in relationships where honest confrontation is indicated. This energy and discomfort should be used to make assessments of certain areas of your life and to make sweeping and fundamental changes which you have not previously had the power to make. Changes should also be for the greater good, or they won't work. Pluto is the planet of regeneration, and when you improve yourself, it reflects in your world. Feb 18, 2004 12 PM(Feb 17, 2004 to Feb 19, 2004) Sun Sqr Sat TRANSITING SUN SQUARE NATAL SATURN--This is not a "lucky" transit. It can be difficult because it raises issues you find hard to handle. Remember, Squares bring challenges to be met and obstacles to overcome, and one of the major influences of Saturn is discipline. You may feel depressed and restricted, but you must still deal with the issues. It is easy to make assumptions and to not check them out for truth. Life has not forced this on you--you reinforce the feelings by not challenging them. You need to break out of this "vicious circle" by taking a positive look at the world and the people around you. Your physical and psychological energies are low, and you are likely to be holding yourself back. The purpose of discouragement is to reveal the weaknesses and the areas where you need to shore up your strength and self-confidence. At this time, try to recall all the successful efforts you have experienced in your lifetime and all the obstacles you have already overcome. Remember, also, all the good relationships you have had with other people and don't forget to cherish those you still have. Don't let your negative attitude deny that there has been positive experiences in your life. Feb 19, 2004 9 AM(Feb 18, 2004 to Feb 20, 2004) Ven Sqr Sun TRANSITING VENUS SQUARE NATAL SUN--Square aspects usually bring obstacles to be overcome, but this one may not. This is normally a very pleasant transit with few difficulties. You are likely to feel rather self-indulgent, seeking fun and recreation and not wanting to work. You will not feel very self-assertive, but more in the mood for compromise. Love relationships are favorable, but there will be the temptation to over-indulge. Avoid arguments and disagreements. This a short transit, so relax and enjoy. Feb 19, 2004 12 PM(Feb 18, 2004 to Feb 20, 2004)Sun Trine Nep TRANSITING SUN TRINE NATAL NEPTUNE--This aspect will arouse your inner idealism and give you a strong desire for a deeper, more spiritual level of reality, both emotionally and intellectually. Neptune is a dual level planet, both mundane and spiritual. It is often difficult to determine which influence prevails. The Sun illuminates, and you will need to try and discriminate which level of the Neptune influence you need to deal with at this time in your life. Your ideals may be challenged and you will want to defend them. To complicate matters, you may be called upon to help or guide someone else who is close to you. Just remember, they are only human as are you. This is a time for prayer and meditation. You may want to be alone to ponder. Your sensitivity to the subtler aspects of the world are enhanced at this time, and you could have flashes of ESP or other mystical experiences. Spiritual strength is available for the asking and this can be a very positive time of growth in your life. Feb 19, 2004 10 PM(Feb 19, 2004 to Feb 20, 2004)Ven Sxtil Ven TRANSITING VENUS SEXTILE NATAL VENUS--Sextiles are supportive, and this is a pleasant one. You will be occupied with love and beauty. This transit makes you feel contented and at ease. All affairs, both personal and business, are favored during this time. Life seems to be going as it should be with very little effort on your part. So, relax and enjoy! Feb 20, 2004 9 AM(Feb 19, 2004 to Feb 21, 2004)Sun Oppos Jup TRANSITING SUN OPPOSITE NATAL JUPITER--This transit can cause a tendency to go overboard in anything you say or do. Oppositions provide a two-way pull, but the positive side of this one seems stronger. It can puff up your self-confidence, letting you think that nothing could go wrong. But you need to remember that oppositions can bring conflict, so don't let your self-confidence come across as arrogance. That could cause a negative, even hostile, reaction from others. This transit can enhance positive energies and optimism, giving you an expansive view of people, places and things. You may feel bigger than yourself, but may not appear that way to other people. Contain your expansive energies within realistic goals and limit your efforts to keep within parameters which you can control. Much can be achieved during this time, but you need to avoid over-commitment and unrealistic efforts. Watch your manner of expression lest you trigger opposition from others. If this happen, leave them alone and draw in your horns. Feb 21, 2004 12 PM(Feb 20, 2004 to Feb 22, 2004) Ven Sqr Asc TRANSITING VENUS SQUARE THE NATAL ASCENDANT--This is not a difficult square. In fact it can be quite pleasant for relationships, where you reach out to others, and give and receive affection. You will enjoy being with people and going out and having a good time. Try not to avoid work that has to be done, and beware of self-indulgence. Be careful of financial affairs and impulse buying. Feb 21, 2004 5 PM(Feb 21, 2004 to Feb 22, 2004)Merc Sqr Mars TRANSITING MERCURY SQUARE NATAL MARS--This transit can cause you to be irritable and suspicious. The Mercury mind and communication influences are squared off against the urgency for action of Mars. Any conversation will be a challenge, and you may cause people to avoid you. You may have to defend your ideas or your position on something to others, and it will be difficult to get your ego out of the way--which is the appropriate way to deal with this transit. Beware of suppressing hostility and anger lest they manifest themselves as accidents. Especially beware of burns. Feb 23, 2004 12 AM(Feb 21, 2004 to Feb 24, 2004)Mars Trine Sun TRANSITING MARS TRINE THE NATAL SUN--This transit produces high energy, vigor, and self-confidence. It is good for initiating all kinds of activities, especially physical. It is extremely favorable for situations which require decisive action. This is a good time for dealing with men, whatever your sex. In love relationships, it can balance each other's needs for self-gratification, enabling both to give and gain from the other. New opportunities to be personally effective and to prove yourself often occur during this transit. They could bring a promotion or a new job. You are more likely to know what you want now and to have the self-confidence to go after it. Buck for a promotion, go for a raise, or look for a new job. Business and commercial negotiations are favorable during this transit. Feb 23, 2004 (Feb 22, 2004 to Mar 9, 2004) Merc 9th H. TRANSITING MERCURY IN THE NINTH HOUSE--Transiting Mercury in the houses deals with the practical affairs that occupy your mind and shows what areas of activity will be influenced by your thoughts and communications. In the ninth house transit, it arouses an interest in higher education, or professions requiring advanced degrees. Many teachers and professors have Mercury in this house. Interest in philosophies can be strong. Your decisions include moral and ethical considerations as well as the practical. You need to guard against intellectual pride and snobbery, during this time. Don't allow yourself to become dogmatic and sectarian in your opinions and beliefs. Feb 24, 2004 12 AM(Feb 22, 2004 to Feb 25, 2004) Mars Sqr Ven TRANSITING MARS SQUARE NATAL VENUS--This transit can bring out the base physical needs and desires within a relationship. Sexuality is strong in the consciousness now, and it can be a time for truly finding and expressing mutual needs and enhancements. If there is no current relationship, a purely sexual episode could occur. Sharing needs with complete honesty is important, and this could be the beginning of a mutual understanding and fulfillment. However, sex under this transit is demanding and vigorous, rather than soft and loving. On a personal level, your creative and artistic energies will be stimulated now, and this can be a very productive time for any artistic endeavor. Feb 24, 2004 2 PM(Feb 24, 2004 to Feb 25, 2004)Merc Oppos Plu TRANSITING MERCURY OPPOSITE NATAL PLUTO--Opposition aspects usually bring challenges and/or obstacles to overcome, and this one is no exception. This could be a good transit for getting to the bottom of problems that have been difficult to see through. This especially relates to hidden problem areas of the self. You are able to concentrate your entire attention on solving problems or hidden puzzles, but you need to watch out for tendencies toward compulsion. An obsessive thought could close your mind to all else. If your motives are not "perfectly clear" to others you could experience extreme opposition from them. It would be a good time for doing research, but would probably be better used if applied to personal problem areas in preparation for positive growth. Pluto demands that efforts must be for the greater good however, and this applies to other than personal activities as well. Feb 25, 2004 2 AM(Feb 24, 2004 to Feb 26, 2004) Merc Sqr Sat TRANSITING MERCURY SQUARE NATAL SATURN--Square aspects usually bring challenges and obstacles to be overcome. With this one, your critical faculties are sharp and your standards are high, but communication may be difficult. It may be hard to "think positive" during this transit, but it is good for heavy mental work and tasks which require disciplined thinking. It is not a good time for negotiations and business transactions. Mental discipline is never pleasant, but try to avoid undue criticism of yourself and others. Feb 25, 2004 (Feb 17, 2004 to Mar 4, 2004) Jup Sxtil Asc TRANSITING JUPITER SEXTILE THE NATAL ASCENDANT--This is the "social" transit. Contacts with other people advance you in all the areas of your life at this time. It is not the time to go it alone. Business, career, hobbies, artistic endeavors, and material gains can happen during this transit, and mostly through social situations. You will also have the opportunity to expand your contacts with the larger world, possibly through travel. Feb 25, 2004 4 PM(Feb 25, 2004 to Feb 26, 2004)Merc Trine Nep TRANSITING MERCURY TRINE NATAL NEPTUNE--During this supportive trine aspect the mental Mercury and the mysteries of Neptune are in rare accord. You will be more sensitive than usual to the world around you. Your creative imagination will be stimulated, and it is a good time to get away from the humdrum. You will not want to get involved with super serious subjects, but you are sympathetic and sensitive to others' needs. You can transcend the limits of your natural intellect during this time, and it is a good period to pursue mystical and spiritual studies. Feb 26, 2004 3 AM(Feb 25, 2004 to Feb 27, 2004)Merc Oppos Jup TRANSITING MERCURY OPPOSITE NATAL JUPITER--This aspect in transit could get you in trouble because you are likely to promise more than you can deliver. The mental influences of Mercury are in opposition with the expansiveness and spiritual influences of Jupiter. You may talk too much, and not be good at keeping secrets. Mostly, you have difficulty with concentration on the here and now. You may have difficulty with religion during this time. You are likely to go through a period of agnosticism, or hold to some very illogical beliefs. You need to get in touch with the True Source (for you) through prayer and meditation. Practice concentration on the present and avoid "woolgathering". Feb 26, 2004 9 PM(Feb 25, 2004 to Feb 28, 2004)Mars Sxtil Asc TRANSITING MARS SEXTILE THE NATAL ASCENDANT--This is a rare Mars transit in that it is good for working with others in a team effort (though you will probably need to feel like YOU are the leader of the team!). With the energy of the transit, you will not be happy just sitting around, so if there is some kind of a project you can put together with friends or co-workers, now is the time to do it. Environmental concerns would be high on the interest index. This transit also provides a good time to tell other people how you feel about things in general, as well as things of a personal nature. Physical activities are likely to be most appealing and most satisfying. Mar 2, 2004 6 PM(Mar 1, 2004 to Mar 3, 2004) Sun Sxtil Sun TRANSITING SUN SEXTILE NATAL SUN--This transit occurs twice a year, roughly two months before and two months after your birthday. It is a time when you need to integrate your energies with those around you--friends, neighbors, co-workers, and groups you are involved with. You will be able to cooperate effectively with others at this time. You will enjoy their company and interaction will be pleasant and beneficial. When this transit occurs two months before your birthday, you should check out how well you have done and in what areas you need to improve. the next occurrence two months after your birthday you should check out your goals for this year and see how well you have moved toward achieving them. You will need to be alert and realistic about your progress, and not be lackadaisical about where you are. If you fail to be aware, you could be challenged in ways that you don't understand and unexpected conflicts with others could occur. Mostly, this is an inventory time for checking your progress toward achievement of goals since the birthdays. This is too good an opportunity for evaluating where you are for you not to take advantage of it. There is not likely to be any cosmic energy or pressure to shape up involved here, but you should move ahead with faith and confidence. Mar 3, 2004 9 AM(Mar 2, 2004 to Mar 4, 2004) Merc Sxtil Sun TRANSITING MERCURY SEXTILE NATAL SUN--This transit indicates a busy and mentally stimulating period. The phone is likely to "ring off the hook", and it may seem as if everybody wants to contact you. Your mind is sharp, alive, and ready. It is a good time to reinforce how you stand on any given situation, and communicate your honesty and forthrightness. Group discussions are likely to be positive and you will command the respect of others. Travel is possible. Mar 4, 2004 6 AM(Mar 3, 2004 to Mar 5, 2004) Ven Trine Plu TRANSITING VENUS TRINE NATAL PLUTO--The Natal interpretation of this aspect is as follows: "This trine gives you an intense emotional nature which is capable of the highest form of love. It could mean a spiritual regeneration through love. You are romantic, but in a powerful, positive way. You are almost sure to have a strong sex drive, and need to be able to channel it into positive directions. When you meet your "true love", it will seem like it was "predestined". Wow!". . . . . . In the transit aspect, the personality benefits from an awareness of expansion of the Venus dimensions. If things are not good in a relationship, there can be extreme emotional difficulty. If they are good, or if they can be turned around when not so good (regenerated), this aspect can bring about a permanency of well-being. Mar 4, 2004 4 PM(Mar 4, 2004 to Mar 5, 2004) Merc Trine Asc TRANSITING MERCURY TRINE THE NATAL ASCENDANT--This supportive transit arouses your curiosity and willingness to learn. Your confidence and self-worth are enhanced. Communications are good between you and others, and your ideas are understood and respected. You have good insight on many subjects and are able to share them well. You are tolerant of the opinions of others, and can make intelligent compromises. This is a good transit for long-range goal planning. Mar 5, 2004 3 AM(Mar 4, 2004 to Mar 6, 2004) Ven Sqr Merc TRANSITING VENUS SQUARE NATAL MERCURY--Most Venus transits, even squares and oppositions, are easy and pleasant, and this one is no exception. It indicates a time of pleasant thoughts and social interaction. You will probably avoid serious topics and any unpleasant conversation. You want to be amused and entertained today, preferably by, or with your partner. It is not a good time to deal with difficult problems, so be aware that you lack mental discipline during this transit. Mar 5, 2004 6 AM(Mar 4, 2004 to Mar 6, 2004) Sun Trine Asc TRANSITING SUN TRINE THE NATAL ASCENDANT--This trine brings good feelings about yourself in positive ways. You will want to do things to have a good time, even in your work. It is a good time to play but you can get a lot of work done, providing you enjoy your work. Energy is high, and you will want to do more than your usual routine. You will want to know more about yourself, the world and other people, therefore you should start some new studies to help reveal more of the Self. It is also a good time to start a trip, either for vacation or enlightenment. Mar 5, 2004 10 PM(Mar 5, 2004 to Mar 6, 2004) Ven Oppos Nep TRANSITING VENUS OPPOSITE NATAL NEPTUNE--This could be a transit of illusion and confusion where relationships are concerned. Unrealistic ideals could cause you to expect too much, and you will be disappointed. This is not a time to start a new relationship, for both parties could be deceived. You are likely to be disappointed by other loved ones, as well. You could have the illusion that you are totally unselfish to those you love and find that they are not as grateful to you as you expected and thought you deserved. The lesson here is to look for the reality and don't expect more than can be delivered. On the positive side, you could have a pleasant romantic interlude, provided you can accept it for what it is and not expect it to be permanent. Mar 6, 2004 (Mar 5, 2004 to Apr 15, 2004) Ven 11th H. TRANSITING VENUS IN THE ELEVENTH HOUSE--Venus transiting in the houses influences how you express yourself socially, artistically, and romantically in the various areas of your life. In the eleventh house, it indicates warm friendships and relationships established through group activities. Kindness gets kindness in return. You will have many friends of the opposite sex. Friends often become romantic partners and romantic partners often become good friends. Strong alliances with musicians and other artists are strongly indicated now. Mar 6, 2004 5 PM(Mar 5, 2004 to Mar 7, 2004) Ven Sqr Ura TRANSITING VENUS SQUARE NATAL URANUS--The emotional and artistic influences of Venus are squared off against the imaginative influences and the urge for freedom of Uranus. This could be a transit for seeking new experiences. You are likely to look for excitement and stimulation through your love relationships, possibly even to the point of provoking a fight. These two planets signify love and freedom, and different people have different interpretations of "free love". You may be flirtatious now, but don't take it too seriously. In another area, your artistic freedom and artistic expressions are stimulated, but success is not guaranteed. Mar 6, 2004 5 PM(Mar 5, 2004 to Mar 7, 2004) Ven Trine Jup TRANSITING VENUS TRINE NATAL JUPITER--This is one of the "best" transits, although of short duration. It brings grace, ease, and pleasant social interaction into your life. You will feel content, and it will rub off on others. It can be a good time to make a major investment, as financial interests are favored. You will not want to work at work however, but will tend to be lazy. Artistic interests are high, but from the standpoint of "enjoyment"--so ENJOY! . . . . Mar 9, 2004 12 AM(Mar 8, 2004 to Mar 10, 2004)Merc Trine Mars TRANSITING MERCURY TRINE NATAL MARS-This is a good transit for all Kinds of mental work. The harmony of the trine can effectively produce cooperation with the mentality of Mercury and the actions of Mars. You can communicate positively and with confidence. Plans you make today are likely to be bolder and more innovative than usual, and you may see obstacles as challenges which spur you on. Your self-image is enhanced and you will attack any challenge with courage and confidence. It would be a good time to ask for a raise. Mar 9, 2004 1 PM(Mar 9, 2004 to Mar 10, 2004) Merc Conj MC TRANSITING MERCURY CONJUNCT THE NATAL MC--This transit with the Midheaven affects those areas related to your career, profession and/or vocation. You may receive an important communication regarding one of these areas, necessitating a well thought out response. This is a good time to discuss your goals and future plans regarding your career. You will be able to communicate these plans logically and effectively, making it appropriate to concentrating upon furthering your career. Use this transit to clarify your actions to others and seek their support. Mar 9, 2004 (Mar 9, 2004 to Apr 1, 2004) Merc 10th H. TRANSITING MERCURY IN THE TENTH HOUSE--Transiting Mercury in the houses deals with the practical affairs that occupy your mind and shows what areas of activity will be influenced by your thoughts and communications. In the tenth house it influence you to pursue education for reasons of professional ambition. You have good organizational ability and the capacity to plan for the future. Your career is not likely to be accidental. You are able to communicate with people of power and prestige, and with the public, so that politics would be a natural for you. Whatever your occupation, it will involve communications media. Ambition is the keyword during this transit, but beware that it could take precedence over principles if you are not careful. Mar 10, 2004 10 PM(Mar 9, 2004 to Mar 12, 2004)Mars Oppos Mars TRANSITING MARS OPPOSITE NATAL MARS--This transit can present conflicting actions (action opposite action!) It indicates a strong need to know why you act--before you act. There is almost always sure to be opposition to whatever you do, and some of that opposition may be between your conscious motives and your subconscious motives. There is also likely to be opposition from others. The lesson to be learned is two-fold: awareness of true motives, and that you do not prosper at others' expense. This can be a very positive transit if you can work with others without letting your ego get in the way. Your energy level is very high, and you can do a great deal of work. Mar 12, 2004 12 AM(Mar 11, 2004 to Mar 12, 2004)Merc Trine Sat TRANSITING MERCURY TRINE NATAL SATURN--This is a supportive transit which brings serious thinking and important concerns. You deal with practical matters and keep your mind at work. Professional ethics will be in the limelight during this time. Concentration is good on mental work that requires attention to detail. Your critical faculties are sharp and you can see what needs to be done to make an organization work. It is a good time to organize yourself and your environment, to collect the pieces that make up the whole. You will not be inclined toward fun things, and may prefer to be alone rather than with people. Mar 12, 2004 1 AM(Mar 11, 2004 to Mar 13, 2004)Merc Sxtil Merc TRANSITING MERCURY SEXTILE NATAL MERCURY--This transits brings a clear mind and the ability to do all kinds of mental work and planning. Communications are at a peak in both volume and accuracy. Work that requires attention to detail and accuracy is enhanced. It is a good time for business transactions and contracts. Your intellectual curiosity is strong, and you may want to start some new course of study. Travel could also be indicated. Mar 12, 2004 10 AM(Mar 11, 2004 to Mar 13, 2004)Merc Oppos Moon TRANSITING MERCURY OPPOSITE NATAL MOON--During this transit it may be difficult to keep emotional issues from affecting the clarity of your communications. Unconscious drives and impulses may influence your thinking now, and it is important that you try to bring the cause of these compulsions up to the conscious level. These feelings and emotions could be influenced by habits and speech patterns from your early childhood. This is a good time to look at the past and remove all of the negative compulsions you can recognize. Know that your mental effectiveness can be skewed during this transit. Try to postpone any major decisions and be careful to say what you really mean. Mar 12, 2004 12 PM(Mar 10, 2004 to Mar 14, 2004)Mars Sxtil MC TRANSITING MARS SEXTILE THE NATAL MIDHEAVEN--This is a positive transit for self-confidence and courage. You can pursue your objectives with assurance and wit, and it brings a high energy level. You want to get things done quickly, so you need to watch out for impulsiveness. It is a good transit for working in cooperation with others, provided their energy is also good. Otherwise you will be impatient with them. You can be assertive, but rather mellow with it, so you can usually get your way without offending others. It is a good transit for getting things done in a joint effort with others. Mar 12, 2004 10 PM(Mar 12, 2004 to Mar 13, 2004)Merc Trine Ura TRANSITING MERCURY TRINE NATAL URANUS--This trine is a supportive aspect which helps combine the influences of both planets. It will make you feel more alive and mentally alert than at any other time. New ideas will come more rapidly than usual and your vision will have more breadth and scope. Communications will be dynamic and electric. You will seek stimulating people and thoughts, and it is a good time to begin the study of something new. You will want to break away from routine. Metaphysical studies are in order, and your intuition and perception are very active. Don't waste these energies. Mar 13, 2004 2 PM(Mar 12, 2004 to Mar 14, 2004)Sun Trine Mars TRANSITING SUN TRINE NATAL MARS--This is a positive transit for providing comfort in who you are. It doesn't necessarily mean you are satisfied with who you are and what you are doing, but physical and mental energy will be high. You should invest some time in physical exercise during this transit. It will not only satisfy the influences toward physical activity, but will also improve your mental and spiritual health. It will help you to understand yourself and your needs better, as well. It is always important to take advantage of every astrological influence that may give us insight into who we really are--and this transit is one of those. Now is also a good time to take a look at various projects you may have started and, for whatever reason, have not completed. Try to prioritize projects which would be most beneficial to you and those that need the most attention. Remember, the Sun is energy and Mars is action. It could be a waste not to use these energy-active influences in some positive and productive manner. If there are situations or projects in your life that need changing, or even terminating, during this transit is a good time for new beginnings. Mar 14, 2004 3 PM(Mar 13, 2004 to Mar 15, 2004) Sun Conj MC TRANSITING SUN CONJUNCT THE NATAL MIDHEAVEN--This is an excellent aspect for putting all your attention and energy into getting ahead and fulfilling your ambitions. Your home life may take a back seat while this aspect is in transit, and you are likely to be strong-willed and unwilling to make compromises. Pursue your objectives, but try not to be so willful that you alienate others unnecessarily. Mar 14, 2004 (Mar 13, 2004 to Apr 20, 2004) Sun 10th H. TRANSITING SUN IN THE TENTH HOUSE--When the Sun transits this house of your Natal chart, it will influence the departments of life most strongly affected by the individual will and power potential. Tenth house position generally indicates a time when you will be ambitious to attain positions of responsibility, power, and authority. You are likely to be rather dignified and you have a strong will to succeed. You will desire honor and recognition and will work hard to acquire the necessary knowledge and skills to achieve your goals. You are probably a good manager and demand respect. You also want to set a good example for others. You need to watch out for an excessive love of power and for dictatorial attitudes. Mar 15, 2004 (Mar 7, 2004 to Mar 23, 2004) Jup Trine Sun TRANSITING JUPITER TRINE NATAL SUN--The ancient astrologers called this a lucky transit. Actually, it gives you a positive frame of mind which is at the root of most successes. It is a good time to reflect on your life and review your goals. You are able to visualize the big picture, and can begin working toward your ideals, which are likely to be high under this transit. You can work harmoniously with others at this time, but you will be more inclined to sit back, enjoy it and do nothing. A good time for financial matters, but also, for inner growth. Travel could be indicated. Mar 17, 2004 6 AM(Mar 16, 2004 to Mar 18, 2004)Ven Trine Sun TRANSITING VENUS TRINE NATAL SUN--Trines are supportive and this is one of the most pleasant of all transits. It doesn't signify anything earth shattering, but is a good time for all kinds of enjoyable activity. In work you will feel a spirit of camaraderie and togetherness, making it go smoothly. However, pleasure and recreation are the highlights of this transit. It is a good time for personal and love relationships. If you feel the least bit ambitious, it is a good time for creative and craft projects, or for almost anything you may want to do. It could be a shame to waste this energy, but if you really don't want to work, just relax and enjoy. Mar 17, 2004 9 PM(Mar 16, 2004 to Mar 18, 2004) Ven Sqr Ven TRANSITING VENUS SQUARE NATAL VENUS--Square aspects usually bring challenges and difficulties, but this is normally a pleasant transit, bringing leisure and good times. However, it can also be a time of testing of relationships to see if they are on a sound footing. Your ability to maintain your own identity within the relationship will be challenged, but it is not a time when you will do much about it. You are more likely to compromise than to stand up for your rights. This is not a good time to go shopping. You need to be aware of tendencies toward self-indulgence and extravagance. Your energy may be low, and you will not have much enthusiasm for work. Mar 18, 2004 5 PM(Mar 17, 2004 to Mar 20, 2004) Mars Sqr Plu TRANSITING MARS SQUARE NATAL PLUTO--This transit has two polarities--it can bring power struggles and disagreements, or it can help you transform and regenerate your world around you. Your energy level will be high and you could get a lot of work done--if you don't create too much opposition doing it. Your ambitions will be enhanced at this time, but they, too, could conflict with someone else. The lesson from this transit is to look at your recent past efforts for any loose ends or shortcuts that need to be attended to or corrected. If they can be cleaned up to the good of all, you should do so. However, if you can't do it without causing conflict with others, it might be better to wait till this transit passes. As in all transits with Pluto, the influences could be those of someone else relating to you, rather than you to them. Also, as in all Pluto aspects, anything attempted must be for the greater good or it either will not work, or it will not do you any good. Mar 18, 2004 11 PM(Mar 18, 2004 to Mar 19, 2004) Merc Sqr Sun TRANSITING MERCURY SQUARE NATAL SUN--Mercury is intellect and communications. This transit indicates a day of busy mental activity and communications with others. Group conferences, letter writing, and paper work should go smoothly. Your statements will have energy, thus will be convincing. Downplay ego and stick to facts. Avoid controversy with authority figures. Some astrologers believe that Mercury retrograde dulls the intellect and creates conflicts in understanding. This astrologer has Mercury retrograde in his natal chart and finds that the opposite is usually true. It is always a good idea to be "perfectly clear" in all of your communications during this time. Mar 19, 2004 7 AM(Mar 18, 2004 to Mar 20, 2004)Merc Sxtil Ven TRANSITING MERCURY SEXTILE NATAL VENUS--This is a light transit whose greatest value is putting you in touch with your feelings of love and friendship. It will be easy now to tell someone you love them. Relationships will be quite harmonious and it should be easy to clear up any misunderstandings. Your appreciation of beauty is great and it is a good time for appreciating lovely things that have no purpose except to be what they are. Mar 19, 2004 11 AM(Mar 18, 2004 to Mar 20, 2004)Sun Trine Sat TRANSITING SUN TRINE NATAL SATURN--This can be a "down-to-earth" transit. It can help you get to know yourself through your relationship with, and your effect on, your environment. This is not the time to be an intellectual, instead you need to get "down to earth", literally. There is a close relationship between who you are and what you do. You will be highly disciplined and able to channel your energies toward any objective you wish to attain. This is a time to examine your habits, your home situation, your work, and everything else that is important to you. Determine how they work on a practical level. Begin organizing your life and making an overall plan. Even your relationships should be supportive now. The Sun is energy and Saturn is discipline, and the Trine is the most supportive transit of them all. It is a good transit for work which requires discipline and self-control, and you should be able to work effectively alone or with others. Mar 19, 2004 2 PM(Mar 18, 2004 to Mar 20, 2004)Sun Sxtil Merc TRANSITING SUN SEXTILE NATAL MERCURY--This is an excellent transit for bright communications and personal interchanges with others. It is also a good time for examining your own goals and expectations and communicating them to yourself, as it were. It is a good time for commercial transactions: buying, selling, and negotiating deals. An excellent time for learning; and for travel, with learning and new experiences as goals. It is an excellent transit for study. Your mind is alert and can filter all kinds of input. Mar 19, 2004 3 PM(Mar 18, 2004 to Mar 20, 2004)Ven Sxtil Asc TRANSITING VENUS SEXTILE THE NATAL ASCENDANT--This transit brings a very lighthearted time for enjoying yourself and relaxing with friends and loved ones. You are able to express your feelings of affection, and relationships are improved. It is a good time to meet new people, also. Mar 20, 2004 1 AM(Mar 18, 2004 to Mar 21, 2004)Mars Oppos Sat TRANSITING MARS OPPOSITE NATAL SATURN--This can be an extremely irritating transit, requiring enormous amounts of patience and calm. You will need to keep yourself in the background for a while, and relationships are not likely to be very satisfying. Some of the trials it can bring are: irritability, often justified by others actions; the tendency to "slow burn" with anger rather than a "blow-up"; ego conflicts; and a general sense of inadequacy about yourself as compared to others. It will seem that others hit you in your psychological tender spots, and you will tend to internalize the hurt rather than defend yourself. The lesson here is detachment. Try to relax and avoid situations that produce needless tension, and take care of physical health maintenance. "The good news is"--you can do good work that requires a concentration of energy and meticulous care. So, get those jobs done that you have been putting off because they were too tedious--and work alone! Mar 20, 2004 5 AM(Mar 18, 2004 to Mar 21, 2004)Mars Trine Merc TRANSITING MARS TRINE NATAL MERCURY--Trine aspects are usually very supportive and this one is no exception. This is a good time for planning, writing, and all types of mental work. It is also excellent for dealings and negotiations with others since you are able to assert your position and make it understood. It is favorable for travel and study, and for the broadening of your base of knowledge. Mar 20, 2004 7 AM(Mar 19, 2004 to Mar 21, 2004)Sun Oppos Moon TRANSITING SUN OPPOSITE NATAL MOON--This transit can bring out tensions between your personal needs and your public and professional obligations. As the Sun "illuminates" your emotions, you may feel like you're in a tug-o-war between "me and them". The purpose of this conflict is to help you learn to balance your emotions with your public duties. If you have been pursuing your public life by covering up your emotions, this transit can be quite painful. Your emotional nature will come out one way or another. On the positive side, this can also be a time of high energy and you can achieve a great deal. In your personal life, too, the tensions may become heavy if you have been suppressing your feelings. This is especially likely in relationships with spouse and other family members. You could be very compulsive and react to those you love in ways that you do not understand. The lesson to be learned here is how to operate in your daily life by acknowledging and accepting your emotions, and functioning in tune with your "gut" feelings. Mar 20, 2004 8 AM(Mar 19, 2004 to Mar 21, 2004) Merc Sqr Asc TRANSITING MERCURY SQUARE THE NATAL ASCENDANT--Squares usually produce challenges and/or obstacles to be overcome. This transit is no exception. It could encourage all kinds of communications, but don't expect everyone to agree with you. You will want to exchange ideas with others, but watch for a tendency to do all the talking. Mental energy is high and much can be accomplished, provided you can get beyond the talk stage. You may need to slow the mouth and let others catch up with you. Try to consider and respect other points of view besides your own, and avoid making impulsive decisions. Mar 21, 2004 8 AM(Mar 19, 2004 to Mar 22, 2004)Mars Trine Moon TRANSITING MARS TRINE NATAL MOON--This transit brings emotional intensity. You will feel everything more strongly and deeply. You will deal with others in a frank and honest manner, but you will be assertive. There could be a strong emotional involvement with a member of opposite sex. It will be difficult for you to be neutral with someone who might come into your life at this time--you could react with either love or hate, with no in-between. You are in a "fighting spirit" in a positive sense with this transit, and will stand up for what you believe in without stepping on the toes of others. Mar 21, 2004 8 AM(Mar 20, 2004 to Mar 22, 2004)Sun Trine Ura TRANSITING SUN TRINE NATAL URANUS--The Sun illuminates you and the world around you and this transit encourages self-discovery. There will be an air of excitement and suddenness with a heightened level of understanding about yourself and the world around you. It is a good time to expand your horizons and for the study of any technical discipline, such as astrology, mysticism and psychic phenomena. Very little that affects you is hidden from you during this transit, and you can be very much aware of who you are. You will be energetic and restless, so it is not a good time to relax. Use the energy to expand your life with new experiences and new encounters. Mar 22, 2004 10 PM(Mar 21, 2004 to Mar 24, 2004)Mars Sxtil Ura TRANSITING MARS SEXTILE NATAL URANUS--This transit may make you feel restless and impatient with regular routine, prompting you to make some changes and introduce some excitement. You are likely to contact your more exciting and stimulating friends and to make some new friends in that category. You may be more changeable and impulsive than usual. If used in a positive way, this transit can help you break out of any humdrum physical and psychological ruts you may find yourself in. You will be able to make practical use of your insights in everyday life, but be aware of impatience with restrictions and lack of discipline in work activities. Mar 22, 2004 11 PM(Mar 21, 2004 to Mar 24, 2004) Mars Sqr Jup TRANSITING MARS SQUARE NATAL JUPITER--This transit can be very productive if you keep the expansiveness of Jupiter within limits you can handle. Your optimism and self-confidence will be more interested in "what can be" than in what really is, and you could over-extend yourself. However, with intelligent planning and foresight, you could be able to succeed beyond your wildest dreams. Your ego strength is great and opportunities are likely to flourish. The transit tests your efforts to grow as an individual. Mar 27, 2004 6 PM(Mar 26, 2004 to Mar 28, 2004)Ven Oppos Mars TRANSITING VENUS OPPOSITE NATAL MARS--Oppositions usually bring challenges and/or obstacles to overcome. This transit can create serious difficulties because it can stimulate such intense sexual and creative energies. It can be a good time for a sexual relationship if both partners are in harmony. If not in tune with each other however, the strong energies can present difficulties and create conflicts. Extreme opposition can actually be dangerous. This challenge presents an opportunity for you to come to grips with inappropriate sexual feelings and to seek positive ways deal with them. When physical sexual expression is not mutual or appropriate, the energies can be sublimated into artistic creativity. This could be a time when professional counseling would be indicated. Mar 28, 2004 7 PM(Mar 27, 2004 to Mar 29, 2004) Ven Sxtil MC TRANSITING VENUS SEXTILE THE NATAL MIDHEAVEN--This transit makes you think about your relationships with others in positive ways. You are in an open and compromising mood. It is a good time for understanding those who are close to you. You will have a tendency to give more than to receive, and to understand more than you need to. It is also a good time to express artistic creativity, and to appreciate the arts. Mar 30, 2004 12 AM(Mar 28, 2004 to Mar 31, 2004)Merc Trine Plu TRANSITING MERCURY TRINE NATAL PLUTO--This transiting trine gives you the ability to get to the bottom of things. It helps the influences of mental Mercury to penetrate the often heavy depths of the influences of Pluto. You will have good powers of concentration during this time. You will be able to use your willpower intelligently, giving you the ability to increase your mental abilities and improve your mind in the areas of communication. You probably like mystery stories, and could write them as well. You have a sensitivity to nuclear science, but this can also be interpreted as an interest in the occult. Interest in activities toward preserving the world environment may surface now. Pluto demands that your efforts include the betterment of conditions for all mankind. Mar 31, 2004 3 AM(Mar 29, 2004 to Apr 1, 2004) Merc Sqr Merc TRANSITING MERCURY SQUARE NATAL MERCURY--This transit can challenge some of your basic beliefs. The influences of mind and communications are squared off against themselves. That indicates extreme care in all your communications. Take this opportunity to test your ideas and how people react to them. If they need changing, you can correct them without too much difficulty. Adjustments you must make in your thinking now will be very valuable later on. Be flexible and non-confrontational. Apr 1, 2004 10 AM(Mar 31, 2004 to Apr 3, 2004)Merc Oppos Nep TRANSITING MERCURY OPPOSITE NATAL NEPTUNE--When this aspect is in transit, you could be sensitive to other people's thoughts and motivations through subconscious telepathy. This could lead to deceitful practices by attempts at subtle telepathic out-maneuvering if you're not careful. It is difficult for you to shut off environmental influences and hard to control your imagination. You have so many subconscious messages at times that it is hard to concentrate on reality and responsibilities. You need to practice openness and straightforwardness now. It is not that you mean to deceive, but your intuitions are strong and not always accurate. Cultivate communications with the spiritual source and seek positive guidance for these gifts. Apr 1, 2004 (Mar 31, 2004 to Apr 12, 2004) Merc 11th H. TRANSITING MERCURY IN THE ELEVENTH HOUSE--Transiting Mercury in the houses deals with the practical affairs that occupy your mind and shows what areas of activity will be influenced by your thoughts and communications. In the eleventh house the focus is on communications and the exchange of ideas with friends and groups. You will seek out associations which will stimulate your mind, and you will both teach your friends and learn from them. You are open to all humanity, and are likely to have much compassion and insight into the larger social issues. You love truth, impartiality, and the ability to think with originality and objectivity. You need to take care that your ideas do not become eccentric or impractical during this transit. Apr 1, 2004 9 PM(Mar 31, 2004 to Apr 2, 2004) Ven Sqr Plu TRANSITING VENUS SQUARE NATAL PLUTO--This transit brings intense emotional experiences within a relationship. The Venus-Pluto combination can create a powerful love involvement that can change your consciousness for a time. However, it is not a good time for stability, and if changes occur in the relationship experiences, they cannot be ignored. You must examine the relationship and determine what, if anything, needs to be changed, and it will do no good to pretend that change is not needed. Every relationship needs to grow in order to remain healthy and alive, but Pluto will not support purely selfish interests. Apr 1, 2004 10 PM(Mar 31, 2004 to Apr 2, 2004) Sun Sqr Sun TRANSITING SUN SQUARE NATAL SUN--This transit occurs roughly three months after and three months before your birthday. At both times it is a transit of crisis and challenge. Square aspects create challenges to be overcome, and usually will provide insight for how to conquer setbacks. It is not a time to fear, but it is a time for testing the validity of what you are doing. People may oppose you in your efforts and you could get very angry with them, but you need to understand that their motives are the same as yours. In the square before your birthday, you will be challenged to complete various projects and reap their rewards--or other consequences. This after birthday square could bring challenges to your efforts to build something up, to create a material structure, or just to get a project going. There could also be a testing of some new aspect of the personality which is trying to get out into the light of the world. Study the situations of your life, and use this energy to make amends where necessary and start new beginnings. |